The Symposium covers research in the use, design, and analysis of
efficient algorithms and data structures in computer science,
discrete applied mathematics, operations research and mathematical
programming. The symposium has two tracks, which deal with:
o the design and mathematical analysis of algorithms (the "Design and
Analysis" track);
o real-world applications, engineering and experimental analysis of
algorithms (the "Engineering and Applications" track).
ESA 2003 is sponsored by EATCS (the European Association for Theoretical
Computer Science) and jointly organized with WABI 2003, ATMOS 2003 and
WAOA 2003 (Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms) in the context
of ALGO 2003 (http://www.conferences.hu/ALGO2003/).
Papers presenting original research in all areas of algorithmic research
are sought, including but not limited to: Computational Biology;
Computational Finance; Computational Geometry; Databases and Information
Retrieval; External-Memory Algorithms; Graph and Network Algorithms;
Graph Drawing; Machine Learning; Network Design; On-line Algorithms;
Parallel and Distributed Computing; Pattern Matching and Data
Compression; Quantum Computing; Randomized Algorithms and Symbolic
Computation. The algorithms may be sequential, distributed or parallel.
Submissions are especially encouraged in the areas of mathematical
programming and operations research, including: Approximation Algorithms,
Branch-and-Cut Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Integer
Programming, Network Optimization, Polyhedral Combinatorics and
Semidefinite Programming.