INFORMS Board of Directors
The INFORMS Board of Directors is comprised of leading minds in both the academic and industry sectors of O.R. and Analytics.
The INFORMS Board of Directors is comprised of leading minds in both the academic and industry sectors of O.R. and Analytics.
This Code of Conduct Policy of The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) requires that all participants conduct themselves during INFORMS activities in a professional manner that is welcoming to all participants and free from any form of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation. Participants agree to treat each other with respect and consideration to create and ensure a collegial, inclusive, and professional environment.
Ethical conduct is an important consideration for experts in all fields. The following Guidelines were developed to further the Instituteās purpose to promote high professional standards and integrity (Constitution, Article 1.2.v). The Guidelines are available to all members to encourage pursuit of the highest level of ethical practice.
Members of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) advance the science and practice of quantitative decision-making via operations research and analytics. We recognize a responsibility to uphold high ethical standards on behalf of society, our organizations, and the profession. The following ethical guidelines are intended to be aspirational, something INFORMS members should attempt to follow throughout their career.
Quick links to INFORMS documents and people.