Mini EURO Conferences are conferences allowing specialists of a particular promising OR theme of research to participate in a meeting where the screening of papers can be more effective and participation in the debates can be more lively than at larger meetings.
The 15th Mini EURO Conference is aimed at providing an open forum in which researchers coming from different scientific disciplines and operational research areas can discuss and share their experience regarding methodological approaches to tackle, in an explicit manner, uncertainty and imprecision stemming from distinct sources, which have influence on obtaining robust conclusions in decision support models with application to several areas.
Particular attention will be paid to multicriteria evaluation models in which distinct types of difficulties are associated with achieving robust conclusions: the intrinsic incomplete nature of models, the imprecision associated with input data, and the uncertainty associated with the analytical representation of the structure of the decision maker's preferences.
Contributions from decision theory, fuzzy sets, rough sets, risk analysis, stochastic programming, sensitivity analysis, robustness analysis, interval programming, inexact programming, etc. are expected both from methodological and application perspectives, thus paving the way for a cross-fertilization between distinct ways to incorporate uncertainty, imprecision and risk in decision support models.
Three kinds of submissions are welcome:
- Proposal for a session of three papers dedicated to a given topic. After acceptance, the promoter will be responsible for his/her session and will chair it.
- Proposal for a panel discussion on a given topic. After acceptance, the promoter will be responsible for his/her session and will chair it.
- Free submission of short papers (4-6 pages).
The accepted papers will be published as conference proceedings.
The official language of the conference is English.
Important dates:
March 31, 2004: Submission of short papers (4-6 pages)
June 1, 2004: Notification of acceptance
June 23, 2004: Early registration deadline
June 30, 2004: Revised short paper due
July 25, 2004: Registration deadline
(to guarantee inclusion in the final program and proceedings volume)
In agreement with the Editors of the European Journal of Operational Research and the Editor of Decision Support Systems, authors present at MUDSM 2004 will be invited to submit full versions of their papers to be published on a Special Issue of EJOR or a Special Issue of DSS on the theme of the conference.
The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra. Dating from 1290, the U. Coimbra is one of the oldest in Europe and the oldest in Portugal. It now comprises eight faculties, including the Faculty of Economics, which was established in 1972.
Coimbra is located in the centre r