After the meetings in Flint (1995), Winnipeg (1998), Leuven (2000),
and Adelaide (2002), the fifth edition of the international workshop
on Matrix Analytic Methods (MAM5) will be organized by the University
of Pisa in June of 2005.
The workshop will provide an international forum for:
-- presenting recent results on theory, algorithms and applications
concerning matrix-analytic methods in stochastic models;
-- discussing methodologies and the related algorithmic analysis;
-- improving collaborations among researchers in applied probability,
engineering and numerical analysis;
-- tracing the current state of the art and the lines of the future
research, pointing out the main topics of interest.
The proceedings will be published either as a volume or as a special
issue of an international journal. In both cases, the papers will be
refereed at a standard that is equivalent to that of an international
WEB page: www.dm.unipi.it/~mam5
E-Mail: [email protected]