OPODIS is an open forum for the exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge
on distributed computing and systems among researchers from around the
world. This conference is the 8th in a series of annual conferences.
Following the tradition of the previous organizations, its program will
be composed of high-quality contributed and invited papers by experts
of international caliber in this scientific area.
The program committee is soliciting research contributions to the
theory, specifications, design and implementation of distributed
systems, including:
- peer-to-peer systems; cluster and grid-based computing
- fault tolerance and self-stabilizing systems
- real-time and embedded systems
- coordination and consistency protocols
- distributed and multiprocessor algorithms
- communication and synchronization protocols
- self-stabilization, reliability and fault-tolerance
- performance analysis of distributed algorithms and systems
- specification verification of distributed systems
- security issues in distributed computing and systems
- distributed collaborative environments
- location- and context-aware systems
- distributed algorithms and consensus
- overlay networks architectures