CALL FOR VIDEO AND MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATIONS / 14th Annual Multimedia Review of Computational Geometr

Event Detail

General Information
Monday, June 6, 2005 - Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
ACM SIGACT and SIGGRAPH National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Area della Ricerca di Pisa, Italy
Event Details/Other Comments:

Video and multimedia presentations are sought for a video review of computational geometry. This review showcases the use of visualization in computational geometry for exposition and education, for the visual exploration of geometry in research, and as an interface and a debugging tool in software development. Algorithm animations, visual explanations of structural theorems, descriptions of applications of computational geometry, and demonstrations of software systems are all appropriate.
Videos that accompany papers submitted to the technical program committee are encouraged.
Three to five minutes is ideal for most animations and presentations of applications; eight minutes is the upper limit. Standard VHS videotape is allowed, but electronic formats are encouraged (QuickTime, MPEG, .avi, .mov, or RealPlayer). We allow submission of Macromedia Flash, MS PowerPoint animations, Java applets, and limited forms of other multimedia. These formats must have a 'demo mode' that requires no interaction after e.g. pressing a 'demo' button. In case of doubt, please email the Video and Multimedia Program chair.
Accepted video and multimedia presentations will be collected and made available online in various formats in a web proceedings.

For electronic submission of a video or multimedia presentation, to arrive by March 1, 2005, the author(s) should submit a one or two-page description of the material shown in the presentation, and where applicable, the techniques used in the implementation, to the Video Review section of the electronic submission server (linked from An email address of the correspondence author and a URL or ftp address where the presentation can be retrieved must be included. Additional material describing the contents of the presentations, such as the full text of accompanying papers, may also be included. The final descriptions must be formatted according to the guidelines for ACM proceedings.
As an alternative, descriptions and videos on VHS videotape, in either NTSC or PAL format, can be sent to the video and multimedia presentations program chair, to arrive by March 1, 2005:
Lutz Kettner
Max Planck Institute fuer Informatik
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85
66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Phone: +49-681-9325 106
[email protected]
For more information, please visit the web page