The Conference offers an opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in the issues related to Management, Leadership and Governance, especially as it relates to the information systems field, to share their thinking and research findings. These fields of study are broadly described as including issues related to the management of information systems resources, the interface between CIOs and CEOs, the formal governance of the information systems function, the appointment and responsibility of the information systems director and the relationship between information systems management and the rest of the organisation. This Conference provides a forum for discussion, collaboration and intellectual exchange for all those interested in any of these fields of research or practice.
The conference committee welcomes both acdemic and practitioner papers on a wide range of topics and a wide range of scholarly approaches including theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative and critical methods. Action research, case studies and research in practice are welcomed approaches. Work-in-progress, panel discussion, proposals for workshops and tutorials are also welcome. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:-
The relationship between leadership; management and bureaucracy; The nature of IS governance; Interfacing IS governance with corporate governance; Sustainable IS leadership; Types of IS leadership and governance; Corporate politics in and around the IS function; The relationship between the CIO and the CEO; The power and influence of management versus leadership; Critical success factors for a CIO; Measuring the performance of the CIO; Creating sustainable IS leadership; From the CIO to the CKO and/or CTO roles in the organization; Career development for IS leadership; Sustaining leadership in the changing world of IS; Bridging the stove pipe mind-set; IS technological leadership; Impact of non-IS executives on IT effectiveness; How the intensity of IS usage effects the CIO role; External market pressures on the CIO; Best practices in IS technological leadership; Justifying IT Investments at Boardroom level; Outsourcing the CIO; The influence of non-IS executive use of IT on a firm's performance; Influence of mergers and acquisitions on IT; Effect of the board of directors and shareholders on IT policy; Best practices in executive leadership for IT.