Parallel CFD 2005 is the only International Conference focusing on
fluid dynamics and parallel computing. The conference returns to the US
after some years abroad, and we are expecting a record turnout. On
behalf of the Scientific Organization Committee, we invite you to
participate in the conference by submitting an extended abstract by
February 4, 2005 for review. Proposals for tutorials and mini-symposia
are also invited.
The Conference Proceedings will be published by Elsevier/North-Holland.
The conference dates are May 24-27, 2005, and it will take place at the
University of Maryland, College Park campus located in the greater
Washington DC metropolitan area, minutes away from Washington's world
class museums, galleries, monuments and other cultural attractions.
The following Invited Speakers have confirmed their participation:
Chris Allen, University of Bristol, UK
John Bell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Alan Gara, IBM, USA
Roland Glowinski, University of Houston, USA
William Henshaw, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Stephen Jardin, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA
Steven Orszag, Yale University, USA
Gerhard Wellein, Erlangen-Nornberg University, Germany