ISC'2004 Industrial Simulation Conference

Event Detail

General Information
Monday, June 7, 2004 - Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
EUROSIS University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain
General Phone:
General Email:
485 EUR
Registration Information
Registration Phone:
Registration URL:
Event Details/Other Comments:

The Industrial Simulation Conference 2004 (ISC-2004) is the annual international Simulation conference, which aims to give a complete overview of industrial simulation related research and to provide an annual status report on present day industrial simulation research for the European Community and the rest of the world. With the integration of artificial intelligence, agents and other modelling techniques, simulation has become an effective and appropriate decision support tool, as well. The exchange of techniques and ideas among universities and industry, which support the integration of simulation in the everyday workplace, is the basic premise at the heart of ISC-2004. ISC'2004 consists of four major parts. A part concerns itself with simulation methodology, another with simulation applications, then there are the workshops, the exhibition and last but not least the poster sessions for students.