Advances in data gathering, storage, and distribution technologies have attracted over the last
years substantial attention among mathematicians, computer scientists, and users in techniques for
analyzing and presenting new knowledge in a form understandable for human analysts. KDD refers
to a multi-step process that can be highly interactive and iterative. It includes Data Mining
algorithms to map out concepts contained in a data collection in order to gain better insight or new
knowledge. In the case of large databases of scientific and technical documents, indirect
Information Retrieval approaches are being developed.
Among the major tools which find powerful applications in KDD are those of discrete
mathematics. The aim of the conference is to bring together leading researchers in this field of
computer science and experts in data analysis. The conference will feature papers dealing with
theoretical results, models and applications of all areas of discrete mathematics, including:
Closure systems and concept analysis;
Boolean functions; Logical analysis of data;
Many-valued logics; Discrete fuzzy systems
Symbolic analysis
Rough Sets
Relational methods
Discrete optimization methods
Graph and hypergraph theories (finding bicliques, minimal separators, traversals in hypergraphs)