SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is an annual international conference devoted to the theory and practice of informatics. Its aim is to promote co-operation among professionals from academia and industry working in various areas of Informatics.
"Seminar" in the name of conference refers to a good working atmosphere with lot of nonacademic events (in winter, in mountains)
Leading idea of this conference is "Software" in a broader sense:
An old equation claims that
Program = algorithm + data
Our understanding of this today is, that "algorithm" refers to foundational issues, hot topics on the "data" side are challenges coming from the web and the "+" in the equation refers to software engineering. Every year we have another "guest" from some application domain.
That is why SOFSEM is organized in parallel tracks with topics close enough to attract a community of researchers that share specific fields of interest. Each track consists in invited lectures, workshops, and contributed papers. The schedule will allow the attendance of all invited lectures.
SOFSEM 2005 tracks:
- Foundations of Computer Science
- Graph drawing
- Modelling and Searching Data in Web-Era
- Software Engineering
Invited speakers: Hans Bodlaender(University of Utrecht), Emmanuel Cecchet(INRIA), Faith Fich(University of Toronto), Maurizio Lenzerini(Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"), Petra Mutzel (Technical University Wien), Thomas Seidmann(Cdot AG, Switzerland), Hans-Joerg Schek(ETH Zurich), Laszlo Szekely(University of South Carolina)
The conference will be held in Liptovsky Jan - a tiny village with well-preserved Renaissance manor houses. It is situated at the entrance to the Janska Valley - the longest valley in the Low Tatra Mountains with excellent conditions for winter and summer sports. The hotel Maj provides many facilities, including a swimming pool with thermal water, a sauna and classical and water massages. The ski resort Javorovica with 4 ski lifts supplemented with artificial snow is next to the hotel.
SOFSEM 2005 Proceedings containing the invited papers and contributed papers are published in the LNCS series of Springer-Verlag and distributed at the conference. Communications papers describing the work-in-progress and Student Research Forum papers will be published in the local proceedings (with corresponding ISBN).