Much of the work in formal logical modelling of agents assumes idealised
rational agents with unrestricted memory and unbounded time available for
reasoning. This is unrealistic, since the agents are ascribed capabilities
which they do not possess (e.g. ability to derive any theorem of classical
propositional logic). Recently, there has been growing interest in formal
models of resource-bounded agents. While this work has been presented at
agents and logics conferences and workshops (IJCAI, AAMAS, EUMAS) and
published in journals, such as the Journal of Autonomous Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems, this emerging community has lacked a forum for
discussion. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers
working on models of resource-bounded agents to assess the state of the art
and identify open problems.
Topics of interest include general frameworks for modelling resource-bounded
agents, models of resource-bounded agent architectures and models of
resource-bounded agent capabilities.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to,
* Modelling frameworks
- Epistemic logics for resource-bounded reasoners
* Models of resource-bounded agent architectures
- resource-bounded BDI agents
- resource-bounded MAS architectures
* Models of agent capabilities
- Resource-bounded planning
- Resource-bounded belief revision
- Resource-boundedness in games, such as limited recall
The workshop will be of interest both to agent researchers and to logicians
involved in specifying, implementing and verifying agents. More generally,
the activity of making formal models more relevant to work on practical
agents is of relevance to all agent developers.