Navigating the Use of ChatGPT in Education and Research: Impacts and Guidelines



Saeedeh Dehghani Firoozabadi
Université du Québec à Montréal



Farzin Ahmadi
Johns Hopkins University

The emergence of generative AI tools like ChatGPT has sparked both excitement and concerns in the fields of education and research. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the implications and potential of incorporating ChatGPT into these domains, we interviewed two experts: Professor Tinglong Dai from Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and Professor Matthieu Gruson from the University of Quebec in Montreal. This article aims to combine their insights, highlighting the opportunities, challenges, and the need for guidelines surrounding the use of ChatGPT in research and teaching environments.


Professor Tinglong Dai
Johns Hopkins University



Professor Matthieu Gruson
University of Quebec

Consequences of Using ChatGPT

Both experts recognize the positive and negative consequences associated with using ChatGPT. Professor Gruson shares his experience with using ChatGPT in the context of teaching Operations Management. He disagrees with its use by undergraduate students, noting that it can produce text not aligned with basic knowledge. He states, "Students still don’t have the knowledge to evaluate what has been proposed by ChatGPT, and they might mistakenly consider incorrect answers as correct." However, he believes that for graduate students who possess the necessary knowledge and critical evaluation skills, ChatGPT can be a valuable resource. Professor Dai also acknowledges the potential benefits, stating that ChatGPT can be a useful tool to assist students in their learning and researchers in their work.

However, Professor Dai also highlights several opportunities and challenges that come with the use of AI tools like ChatGPT. He states that ChatGPT can be a impactful tool to assist students and researchers in learning and academic work. He ex- plains, "ChatGPT can provide immediate answers to students’ questions, assist in brainstorming research ideas, and help users explore a wide range of knowledge." However, He also mentions, "There is a possibility of misinformation if the AI does not convey information accurately." This raises concerns about the reliability of information generated by ChatGPT, especially in educational settings where students may rely heavily on its responses. Additionally, Professor Dai points out the risk of reduced critical thinking skills if students become overly dependent on ChatGPT for answers. Moreover, the issue of trust and authenticity arises, particularly when AI-generated content is mistaken for human-generated content and vice versa. 

Incorporating ChatGPT into the Classroom: Both experts ac- knowledge the opportunities and challenges associated with incorporating ChatGPT into the classroom. Professor Dai emphasizes the potential benefits, stating that ChatGPT could serve as a 24/7 teaching assistant, providing personalized learning experiences and freeing up educators’ time for other aspects of teaching. However, he also mentions the need to address challenges such as ensuring the accuracy of information provided by ChatGPT and avoiding over-reliance or plagiarism issues. Professor Gruson, focusing on his Operations Management course, expresses reservations about using ChatGPT by undergraduate students due to concerns about accuracy and alignment with fundamental knowledge. However, he believes that ChatGPT could be beneficial for generating case studies and developing teaching strategies, provided transparency is maintained.

Navigating Challenges in Research: The widespread use of ChatGPT poses challenges for research institutions in terms of maintaining research integrity and authenticity. Professor Dai suggests that the publication process may need to evolve to ad- dress these challenges. He mentions the possibility of imple- menting greater scrutiny and AI detection tools during the peer review process to identify AI-generated content. However, he also emphasizes the need for a more extensive discussion within the scientific community to manage these changes effectively. 

Guidelines for Responsible Use

Professor Dai emphasizes the importance of establishing guidelines for implementing ChatGPT in education and research. According to Professor Dai, "the use of generative AI in education and research comes with significant responsibilities." He believes that open and diverse stakeholder discussions involving educators, students, administrators, AI developers, and policymakers should take place to address the following key considerations:

Mitigating Misinformation and Bias: Professor Dai highlights the need to ensure that generative AI is used properly to avoid creating and amplifying misinformation and bias. He states, "Educators and researchers must be cautious about the accuracy and reliability of the information generated by ChatGPT, as misinformation can have far-reaching consequences." The guidelines should provide clear instructions on how to validate the information provided by ChatGPT and encourage critical evaluation.

Impact on Pedagogical Methods and Authenticity: Considering the impact of technology on traditional pedagogical methods and the authenticity of scholarly work is crucial. Professor Dai believes that policies should address these concerns. He states, "The use of AI tools like ChatGPT may impact the authenticity of scholarly work and raise questions about the role of human contribution in the research process." Guidelines should emphasize the importance of acknowledging the use of AI tools and clearly demarcating the contributions made by human researchers.

Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Learning Experiences: Professor Dai emphasizes the importance of using technology to promote inclusive and equitable learning experiences. He believes that guidelines should address how technology, including Chat-GPT, can be utilized to ensure accessibility and equal opportunities for all students. Guidelines should encourage educators to provide alternative resources and support to accommodate students who may not have access to ChatGPT or prefer different learning methods.

Professor Gruson, on the other hand, provides a different perspective regarding guidelines for using ChatGPT. He mentions that his department is currently engaged in discussions on the implications of ChatGPT and what actions should be implemented. He emphasizes that faculty members have already taken measures. Professor Gruson states, "Some colleagues have decided to show their students how ChatGPT might make mistakes, while others have explicitly forbidden the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT in their syllabi." The diversity of approaches within the department underscores the need for on- going conversations and flexibility in implementing guidelines.

Adapting Assessment Tools: To address the challenges posed by ChatGPT, educational institutions are exploring adaptations to assessment methods. Professor Dai suggests several strategies that institutions can consider, including plagiarism detection, deeper critical thinking and personal reflection, and application-based exams. Implementing plagiarism detection tools capable of identifying AI-generated text can help maintain academic integrity and ensure that students do not submit AI-generated content as their own work. Designing assessments that require deeper critical thinking and personal reflection can help students develop essential skills beyond simple recall of information. This approach encourages students to engage with the subject matter more thoughtfully. Shifting towards exams that focus on the application of knowledge rather than relying solely on information recall can provide a better measure of students’ understanding and problem-solving abilities.

Professor Gruson shares his approach to adapting assessment methods in the Operations Management course as well. He mentions that the quizzes are conducted on campus computers with special software that limits students’ access to the internet. Additionally, the questions are designed to include intricate details and figures that ChatGPT cannot assist with. He also suggests developing certain types of questions based on class discussions and YouTube videos to ensure student engagement and prevent reliance on AI tools alone.


The emergence of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools presents both opportunities and challenges in education and research. By establishing clear guidelines for responsible use, institutions can navigate these challenges effectively while harnessing the potential benefits. Adapting assessment methods can ensure academic integrity and foster critical thinking skills. Incorporating ChatGPT into the classroom can enhance learning experiences, but caution must be exercised to maintain student-teacher relationships and prevent over-reliance. Research institutions must address the authenticity and trustworthiness of AI-generated content, shaping the future of the publishing pro- cess. By recognizing and addressing these opportunities and challenges, we can navigate the use of ChatGPT in education and research, ensuring a responsible and impactful integration of AI technology.