All search results for . 10091-10100 of 20203 results.
Shiyi Jiang
[INFORMS] From Housing to Hunger: How Data Science Uplifts Underserved Communities
...INFORMS is the largest professional association for operations research, ...
Do You Criticize Or Celebrate Your Colleagues? It May Depend On Your Social Position
Ayesha Farooq
Dealing With China Is Unavoidable. Mitigating Its Risks Should Be, Too.
Austin Iglesias Saragih
Mohammadhossein Mohammadisiahroudi
2023 Edelman Finalist Meituan
...Meituan was selected as a finalist in the 2023 Edelman Award competition, ...
Henry Ivuawuogu
Christopher Tang: A Chinese economic collapse could be a nightmare