Search Results

All search results for . 14081-14090 of 20227 results.

The Science of Better What?
...nbsp;Learning without wisdom is like a load of books on a donkey's back.-...

...Modelling Methodology...

The Horse Trainer's Parable
...quot;I'm glad we waited until fall to take this vacation," the OR/MS ...

O.R.: The Science of Better
...Editor's Note...

2009 Humanitarian Logistics Conference
...Natural and man-made disasters swept through various parts of the world and ...

Teacher Orientation
...The requirements for a successful academic career are similar across the ...

MOPTA 2009: Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications

4th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security
...Information warfare and computer security are at the forefront of modern defence...

Browser Wars: Mozilla vs. MegaCorp
...November marked a milestone in the evolution of the World Wide Web: the Mozilla ...

Can Operations Research Light Up Power Industry?
...At 4:09 p.m. on a hot, humid day in August, more than 50 million people suddenly...