All search results for . 15551-15560 of 20211 results.
Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2003)
...The Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical...
ISBIS-2008 International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics
Workshop on Operations and Management Science
Optimization, Approximation, and Multiscale Analysis with Applications to Signal & Image Processing
...International Organizing and Programme Committee...
7th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
MOPGP 2006 : 7th Int. Conf. devoted to Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming
5th Int'l Workshop on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatori
...The integration of techniques from Artificial Intelligence and...
Swarm Intelligence Symposium 2003
...Topics of interest...
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2002 San Jose