All search results for . 15671-15680 of 20211 results.
13th Int'l Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2002)
The 47th European Study Group with Industry and The Mathematics for Industry Workshop
...The 47th ESGI and its embedded Mathematics for Industry Workshop will...
1st International Workshop on Declaritive Agent Languages and Technologies
...Call for papers deadline: April 11, 2003...
NOSMO Simulation & Complex Societal Problems
5th Intl' Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM04)
...Discrete mathematics is a branch of the mathematical sciences, with a wide range...
Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
2nd Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2004)
Fourth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-IV)
...The theme of the conference is: Operations and Quantitative Management in the ...
13th International Conference on Automation and Scheduling