All search results for . 17771-17780 of 20203 results.
A Recipe for Analytics Success (What I Learned the Hard Way so You Don't Have to)
...Dr. Erick WikumIndependent Analytics Consultant,Wikalytics, LLCThe hype ...
Mega Vaccination Sites Could Be Coming to Ohio
Tinglong Dai: The Failure of Vaccine Rollout
Token-Weighted Crowdsourcing
...Crowdsourcing has proven to be a wildly effective method for generating and ...
Stress Puts Women at a Disadvantage when Performing in Competitions
...The events that are most crucial for a successful career ��� such as job ...
Seyed Hossein Hashemi Doulabi
Designing Bike-Share Systems
...The cities of Paris, Barcelona, London, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Shanghai, New York, and...
The Costs and Benefits of Supply Chain Transparency
...For the past decade, policymakers and NGOs have pushed for greater transparency ...
Harwin de Vries
The 100-Day Supply Chain Review, Part 2: Supply Chain Visibility