All search results for . 2931-2940 of 20188 results.
EWSCS'05 10th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science
...EWSCS is a series of regional-scope international winter schools held annually ...
IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
...The 7th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and ...
Managing Complex Organizations in a Complex World
...New insights and concepts from the field of complex systems can provide ways to ...
...The conference aim of ECEC'2004 is to provide European Researchers with a...
5th IEEE International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
...The field of wireless and mobile computing is an important research challenging ...
Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication
...Conference theme...
EURO XXI, 21st European Conference on Operational Research 2006
...The twentyfirst EURO conference is to be held in July 2006 in Reykjavik, Iceland...
International Conference on the Research Trend in PDE, Modeling and Computation
...An international conference on the Research Trend in PDE...
17th EURO Mini Conference Continuous Optimization in Industry
...Aims and Scope of the Conference...
SIAM Conference on Mathematics for Industry: Challenges and Frontiers CFP Deadlines
...Invited Plenary Speakers...