All search results for . 4431-4440 of 20201 results.
The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 2009)
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2009)
...Special Session on Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Probabilistic Models...
The 7th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT 2009)
The First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering
The 2009 IEEE Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (IEEE CSO 2009)
IFIP WG 8.2 Conference: The role of IS in leveraging the intelligence and creativity of SMEs
The XXII European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO-XXII) annual meeting
...The ECCO annual meetings aim to bring together researchers in the field of ...
First International Conference on the Dynamics of Information Systems (DIS 2009)
Supply Chain Planners are on Mars, B2B Marketplaces are on Venus
...As B2B e-commerce evolves from "exchanges" for commodities to full-...
6th International Workshop on Memetic Algorithms (WOMA 2009)