Search Results

All search results for . 4721-4730 of 20202 results.

The (Traveling) Traveling Teaching Salesperson Problem
...quot;OK, let me ask you a few questions," I often say to undergraduate and ...

Reflections on Global O.R.
...What do liquor stores and folk festivals have in common besides a bunch of ...

Does Information Want to be Free?
...The advent of electronic access to journal publications provides an opportunity ...

The Congressman's Parable
...The O.R. analyst had finally surmounted his most recent technical challenge, but...

Why Some Stop Banging the Drum
...quot;Failure's hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you're successful at ...

Community Operational Research: OR and Systems Thinking for Community Development

Pulp Fact, Not Fiction
...The forest industry is a very important sector in Sweden, a country with only 9 ...

Iraq, Enron and Vietnam: The Perils of Idealism
...Last night I saw the new movie version of The Quiet American based on Graham ...

O.R. Scores in SpORts
...A football team scores a touchdown that puts it down by one point as the game ...

Teaching Ethics: It's the Right Thing to Do
...Ethics was once considered to be the exclusive domain of philosophers and ...