All search results for . 4861-4870 of 20203 results.
Informs News: Business Analytics Conference ready to roll into Las Vegas
...The 2017 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research will...
Analyzing Social Media Data Having Discontinuous Underlying Dynamics
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
Informs News: Meeting of Analytics Program Directors
...The inaugural Meeting of Analytics Program Directors (MAPD) will be held on ...
Network Inference for Monitoring Cyber-physical Systems
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
Informs News: Edelman Awards Gala
...One of the highlights of the INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & O.R...
Network Economics of Cyber Crime with Applications to Financial Service Organizations
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
Imposing Domain Expertise on Algorithmic Learning to Construct Highly Predictive...
...Imposing Domain Expertise on Algorithmic Learning to Construct Highly Predictive...
Statistical Analysis Software Survey: The joys and perils of statistics
...By James J. Swain...
Pricing and Product Design in a Data-Driven Economy
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
Computational Disaster Management
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...