All search results for . 4961-4970 of 20203 results.
2011: Midwest ISO Wins the Franz Edelman Award
...The Midwest ISO transformed the electric utility industry leveraging advances in...
2015 Edelman Finalist IBM
...Predictive Cloud Computing Efficiently Manages Digital Experiences and Showcases...
INFORMS UPS Prize introduced at the 2011 INFORMS Franz Edelman Gala
...The UPS George D. Smith Prize is created in the spirit of strengthening ties ...
2015 Wagner Prize Finalist - Ford Motor Company & University of Michigan
...Scheduling Crash Tests at Ford Motor CompanyWe present the problem of scheduling...
2008 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award Gala
...2008 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award for Acheivement in Operations Research...
2015 Edelman Winner Syngenta
...Good Growth Through Advanced AnalyticsSyngenta is committed to bringing greater ...
2015 Wagner Prize Finalist - U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & CSX Transportation Inc.
...Integrated Planning of Multi-type Locomotive Service Facilities under Location, ...
Increasing Surgical Safety
...The Mayo Clinic Department of Orthopedic Surgery was facing low utilization of ...
2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis
...2013 Wagner Prize Presentations...
2012 INFORMS Annual Meeting Phoenix
...2012 Wagner Prize Presentations...