All search results for . 5041-5050 of 20203 results.
UNCW to offer Business Analytics degrees
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...Standing out in the crowd: aCAP certification helps distinguish young analytics ...
INFORMS in the News
...Library of things, ORION and airlinesCompiled by Olivia Schmitz, marketing ...
E-commerce platforms should focus on sellers, not buyers
Validating the Contribution-Weighted Model: Robustness and Cost-Benefit Analyses
...One of the central challenges in intelligence analysis is that for important ...
INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize awarded to UCSD professor
Applications now being accepted for the 45th Annual Franz Edelman Award
...CATONSVILLE, MD, October 5, 2016 ��� INFORMS, the leading international ...
M&SOM is embraced by top OM researchers
...As editor-in-chief, I write to share an interesting finding about the authorship...
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INFORMS presents Penn State grad student with two awards at Annual Meeting