OR/MS Today
Employment Advertising — Print Upgrades
OR/MS Today

With more than 13,000 readers worldwide, including all INFORMS members and subscribers, OR/MS Today is the No. 1 source in the world for news, information and career opportunities in the fields of operations research, management science, and related information and decision sciences. The Employment advertising section offers you the opportunity to reach this highly specialized group of people. They include independent practitioners, professionals working in all areas of small and large corporations, teaching professionals, graduates and students at every level, government and military personnel.
OR/MS Today — Print Upgrade Add-On Pricing - Camera Ready only
2023 Employment Classified Advertising Rates - Display Ads Upgrades (All Display Ads can be added to an Online Posting on the Career Center)
Order Online at: https://careercenter.informs.org/employers/
1/4 page
3-3/8" w x 4-7/8" h -
1/2 page
3-3/8" w x 10" h (vertical)
7" w x 4-7/8" h (horizontal) -
Full page
7" w x 10" h
2023 Advertising Closing & Ad Materials Due Dates
Winter 2023 (January-March)
Ad Closing: February 1, 2023
Ad Materials Due: February 17, 2023
Issue Mail Date: March 2, 2023 -
Spring 2023 (April-June)
Ad Closing: May 12, 2023
Ad Materials Due: May 31, 2023
Issue Mail Date: June 8, 2023 -
Summer 2023 (July-September)
Ad Closing: August 1, 2023
Ad Materials Due: August 21, 2023
Issue Mail Date: September 4, 2023 -
Fall 2023 (October-December)
Ad Closing: November 6, 2023
Ad Materials Due: November 29, 2023
Issue Mail Date: December 7, 2023
Please note: The above pricing is the cost for a Print Add-On Upgrades, there is no option for a print only classified advertisement. The price for a print employment advertisement is added to the cost of the online job posting. INFORMS Employment Print Advertising is only sold in-conjunction with an INFORMS Career Center online posting.
Select the option for Print Upgrades when finalizing your online job posting.
Employment advertising (Classified job ads) includes an optional logo. Logos should be provided in high-resolution JPEG format. *Color logos can be added to OR/MS Today ads.
Print Employment Artwork Instructions:
Submit your CAMERA READY classified advertisement as a press-optimized PDF File formatted with high-resolution images (at least 300 dpi, JPG only). Color images must be saved as CMYK. Advertisers must include/embed all fonts, and placed or imported images or graphics. The PDF must be sized to the exact size specifications listed above.
File Submission Instructions:
OR/MS Today goes directly to plate from disk. Advertising rates quoted are for electronic media only. INFORMS will only accept the files submitted using the approved TEMPLATES or send as a properly sized PDF file.
Instructions to Send Files Electronically:
Advertising files (PDF or Word) MUST fit the TEMPLATES or be adjusted to the size reserved for your final print advertisement or they will be returned to the advertiser for editing. Once properly fitted please Email Documents to: [email protected]
Agency Commissions / Cancellations:
- 10% Agency commissions on employment print advertising (job/classified advertising) only when a print-ready PDF is submitted.
- No Agency commissions on online employment advertising (online job postings), banner advertising, and any other special Career Center advertising.
- Cancellations of advertising must be made in writing and are not accepted after ad closing date.
Print and Employment Advertising Sales:
Erik Kersteter
Senior Account Manager, Online Recruitment Team
INFORMS Career Center
phone: +1.703.964.2784
email: [email protected]