Brief Biography

John J. Jarvis received his first two degrees from the University of Alabama and a PhD in industrial engineering from Johns Hopkins University. Upon his graduation, Jarvis accepted a position at the Georgia Institute of Technology where he remained for thirty-six years. His early research focus was linear programming, which culminated in the book he coauthored with Mokhtar S. Bazaraa and Hanif D. Sherali, Linear Programming and Network Flows (1985). In addition to his work on linear programming, Jarvis’s professional interests have also included logistics, supply chain management, and the modeling and optimization of transportation problems.
Jarvis has spent a large portion of his career applying operations research. With colleagues H. Donald Ratliff and Frank H. Cullen, he was co-Principal of CAPS Logistics Inc. in the 1980’s. During this period, Jarvis dealt primarily with network flow and transportation problems. When CAPS Logistics was eventually acquired in 1998 by Baan Company, , the firm had over one hundred fifty employees and was providing software logistics solutions to numerous Fortune 500 businesses. Even though he is retired from an active professional career, Jarvis has been serving on the Board of Directors of American Software Inc. since 2004.
Besides his work in the professional application of operations research, Jarvis has led a proactive academic career and continues to be an influence in the education of OR and industrial engineering. At Georgia Tech, he served as the H. Milton and Carolyn J. Stewart School Chair and Professor of the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering. As chair, he developed the department into the largest such program in the country. Jarvis also served the Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads (CIEADH). As Chair of that organization in 1995, it was his duty to address new methods that offered to enhance the education and development of industrial engineers. Jarvis is also the Executive Director of The Logistical Institute – Asia Pacific.
Jarvis has held a series of positions with both The Institute of the Management Sciences (TIMS) and the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA). In 1992, he served as ORSA’s fortieth president. During the 1990s, it was suggested that TIMS and ORSA consider a union. Jarvis joined the select committee on the matter and helped conceive the resulting Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). In addition to his service with OR societies, he has been an active member of the Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE), serving as that organization’s president in 1998-1999.
By awarding him the George E. Kimball Medal in 1998, INFORMS recognized Jarvis for the passion he has held for the practice, research, and professional aspects of operations research and the management sciences.
Other Biographies
INFORMS. Miser-Harris Presidential Gallery: John J. Jarvis. Accessed February 11, 2015. (link)
Market Watch. American Software Inc: John J. Jarvis. Accessed February 11, 2015. (link)
University of Alabama, BSIE 1963
University of Alabama, MSIE 1965
Johns Hopkins University, PhD 1968
Academic Affiliations
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Alabama
- National University of Singapore
Non-Academic Affiliations
- American Software Inc
- CAPS Logistics
Key Interests in OR/MS
- Optimization/Mathematical Programming
- Modeling / Modeling Philosophy
- Networks and Graphs
- OR/MS Education
Application Areas
Awards and Honors
Institute of Industrial Engineers Fellow 1997
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Fellow 2002
Professional Service
Institute of Industrial Engineers, President 1998-1999
Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads, Chair 1995
Operations Research Society of America, President 1992
Selected Publications
Jarvis J. J. & Miller D. D. (1973) Technical Note – Maximal Funnel-Node Flow in an Undirected Network. Operations Research, 21(1): 365-369.
Bazaraa M. S., Jarvis J. J., & Sherali H. D. (1977) Linear Programming and Network Flows. John Wiley & Sons: New York.
Duke R. A., Evans J. R., & Jarvis J. J. (1977) Graphic matroids and the multicommodity transportation problem. Mathematical Programming, 13(1): 323-328.
Jarvis J. J. & Ratliff H. D. (1982) Note – some equivalent objectives for dynamic network flow problems. Management Science, 28(1): 106-109.
Iyer A. V., Jarvis J. J., & Ratliff H. D. (1988) An Averaging Algorithm For Modes, No. PDRC-87-06-REV. Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta Production and Distribution Research Center: Atlanta, GA.
Jarvis J. J. (1996) Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. Gass S. I. & Harris C. M., eds. in Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 299-301. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, MA.