Miser-Harris Presidential Portrait Gallery

The Presidential Portrait Gallery is named in honor of Hugh J. Miser (1917-1999) and Carl M. Harris (1940-2000), former presidents of The Institute for Management Science, the forerunner to INFORMS. The Gallery contains portraits and biographies of the presidents of INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences), ORSA (Operations Research Society of America), and TIMS (The Institute for Management Science). INFORMS was formed by the merger of ORSA and TIMS in 1995.

Click on the names below to view the full biography of each president.

Presidents of INFORMS

John D. C. Little John D.C. Little Alfred Blumstein Alfred Blumstein Arthur M. Geoffrion Karla L. Hoffman Thomas L. Magnanti John R. Birge
James C. Bean Michael A. Trick Thomas M. Cook Michael H. Rothkopf Richard C. Larson   Mark S. Daskin
Brenda L. Dietrich Brenda L. Dietrich Cynthia Barnhart Cynthia Barnhart   Don N. Kleinmuntz Susan L. Albin
Rina Schneur
Rina Schneur
Terry Harrison 
Anne Robinson
Anne G. Robinson
Stephen M. Robinson
L Robin Keller
L. Robin Keller
Edward H. Kaplan
Brian Denton
Nicholas G. Hall
Ramayya Krishnan
Pinar Keskinocak headshot
Pinar Keskinocak
Stephen Graves headshot
Stephen Graves
Radhika Kulkarni Laura Albert Julie Swann
Dave Hunt          

Presidents of ORSA

Philip M. Morse Robert F. Rinehart Jacinto Steinhardt Leroy Brothers Russell Ackoff Bernard O. Koopman
John B. Lathrop Charles J. Hitch Martin L. Ernst Merril M. Flood Hugh J. Miser Alexander Mood
George E. Kimball George Shortley John F. Magee John E. Walsh Joseph H. Engel Thomas E. Caywood
W. Edward Cushen Robert E. Machol Leslie C. Edie Robert Oliver Robert M. Oliver David B. Hertz Jack R. Borsting
Saul Gass Alfred Blumstein Alfred Blumstein Seth Bonder John D. C. Little John D.C. Little Robert Herman George L. Nemhauser
William P. Pierskalla David A. Schrady Michael E. Thomas Hugh E. Bradley Stephen M. Pollock Judith S. Liebman
Thomas Magnanti Donald Gross
Carl M. Harris
Charles McCallum, Jr. John J. Jarvis Richard C. Larson
Robert A. Abrams          

Presidents of TIMS

William W. Cooper William W. Cooper Merril M. Flood Gifford H. Symonds Roger Crane George Kozmetsky
Mel E. Salveson
Abraham Charnes Murray Geisler
C. West Churchman
Kenneth J. Arrow David B. Hertz Robert Dorfman
George B. Dantzig Ronald A. Howard E. Leonard Arnoff Robert M. Thrall Peter V. Norden John F. Magee
Richard M. Cyert Harvey M. Wagner Martin K. Starr Donald B. Rice Sidney W. Hess Gerald M. Hoffman
Frank M. Bass David S. Hirshfeld Gerald Lieberman Arthur M. Geoffrion Herbert F. Ayres H. Newton Garber
H. Newton Garber
John D. C. Little John D.C. Little H. Martin Weingartner R.E.D. Woolsey Alfred Blumstein Alfred Blumstein Marshall Fisher William R. King
Thomas M. Cook Donald G. Morrison Paul Gray Gary L. Lilien Mark Lembersky Mark R. Lembersky  

Mission Statement

The History and Traditions Committee encourages and facilitates the collection and preservation of materials relating to the history and traditions of OR/MS.

Relevant materials include documents, audio and video recordings, and other artifacts relating to the OR/MS field, its founders, leaders, and notable activities. It encourages the creation and dissemination of new historical materials through articles in society publications, books, symposia, sessions at national meetings, electronic media, and other means, in order to summarize, interpret, and carry forward the history and traditions of OR/MS.