Harvey Mudd College professor elected treasurer at INFORMS
BALTIMORE, MD, October 6, 2022 – INFORMS, the largest association for decision and data sciences, announced Susan Martonosi has been newly elected the treasurer of INFORMS.
Martonosi is a professor of mathematics at Harvey Mudd College. Her research focuses on the application of operations research and analytics methodology to problems in the public sector, including pediatric vaccine pricing, propagation of fake news and homeland security.
In 2020, she received the INFORMS Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice. Martonosi served as an elected member of the Board of Directors from 2016-2019, and is currently serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Finance Committee, Ad Hoc Committee on Committee Diversity, and as co-editor of an upcoming special issue of INFORMS Transactions on Education on diversity in the OR/MS classroom.
“I would like to welcome Professor Martonosi back to the INFORMS Board of Directors. I look forward to collaborating with her and working together to continue to make INFORMS the leading association for the decision and data sciences,” says Elena Gerstmann, INFORMS executive director.
Rice University professor elected Vice President of Education at INFORMS
BALTIMORE, MD, October 6, 2022 – INFORMS, the largest association for decision and data sciences, announced Illya Hicks has been named the vice president of education at INFORMS.
Hicks is a professor and chair of the Department of Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research at Rice. Hicks’ research interests are in combinatorial optimization, graph theory and integer programming with applications in big data, imaging, social networks, path planning and logistics.
Hicks is an INFORMS Fellow and has also received the INFORMS Moving Spirit Award and the 2005 Optimization Prize for Young Researchers from the Optimization Society of INFORMS. Last year he was named an INFORMS Minority Issues Forum fellow.
“I would like to welcome Professor Hicks to the INFORMS Board of Directors. I look forward to collaborating with him and working together to continue to make INFORMS the leading association for the decision and data sciences,” says Elena Gerstmann, INFORMS executive director.
George Mason University professor elected Vice President of Meetings at INFORMS
BALTIMORE, MD, October 6, 2022 – INFORMS, the largest association for decision and data sciences, announced Ariela Sofer has been newly elected the vice president of meetings at INFORMS.
Professor Sofer is Interim Divisional Dean of the Volgenau School of Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University. Her research focuses on nonlinear programming, optimization in medical applications and systems thinking. She has also been involved in finding solutions to various airport design problems.
Sofer was elected an INFORMS Fellow in 2016. She served as general co-chair of the 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting. She also served as vice president for sections and societies, chair of the INFORMS Fellows Committee, chair of the INFORMS Computing Society and associate editor of the INFORMS journals Operations Research and Management Science.
“I would like to welcome Professor Sofer back to the INFORMS Board of Directors. I look forward to collaborating with her and working together to continue to make INFORMS the leading association for the decision and data sciences,” says Elena Gerstmann, INFORMS executive director.
UCLA professor elected vice president of publications at INFORMS
BALTIMORE, MD, October 6, 2022 – INFORMS, the largest association for decision and data sciences, announced Christopher Tang has been newly elected the vice president of publications at INFORMS.
Professor Tang is a distinguished professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Edward W. Carter chair in business administration at its Anderson School of Management.
His research focuses on supply chain management, social innovations and marketing and manufacturing interfaces. Tang has been a consultant to numerous corporations such as Amazon, HP, IBM, Nestlé, GKN and Accenture.
He was elected an INFORMS Fellow in 2011 and served as editor-in-chief of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management from 2015-2020.
“I would like to welcome Professor Tang to the INFORMS Board of Directors. I look forward to collaborating with him and working together to continue to make INFORMS the leading association for the decision and data sciences,” says Elena Gerstmann, INFORMS executive director.
Head of Data Science at Best Buy elected vice president of technology strategy at INFORMS
BALTIMORE, MD, October 00, 2022 – INFORMS, the largest association for decision and data sciences, announced that Warren Hearnes has been newly elected the Vice President of Technology Strategy at INFORMS.
Hearnes is Vice President, Head of Data Science at Best Buy, where he is responsible for data science vision, strategy and execution. As chief data scientist, he leads a team that elevates the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and optimization within the company. He earned his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech in 1999 conducting research in the area of reinforcement learning for robotic control. He previously worked at Cardlytics, The Home Depot, UPS, Lucent Technologies and the U.S. Army.
Hearnes served as co-chair of practice curated sessions for the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting and for six years as chair of the INFORMS Career Services Committee. He received the INFORMS Volunteer Service Award in 2020.
“I would like to welcome Dr. Hearnes to the INFORMS Board of Directors. I look forward to collaborating with him and working together to continue to make INFORMS the leading association for the decision and data sciences,” says Elena Gerstmann, INFORMS executive director.
IBM researcher elected vice president of societies and sections at INFORMS
BALTIMORE, MD, October 6, 2022 – INFORMS, the largest association for decision and data sciences, announced that Mark S. Squillante has been newly elected the vice president of societies and sections at INFORMS.
Squillante is a distinguished research staff member and the manager of Foundations of Probability, Dynamics and Control within Mathematical Sciences at IBM Research. His research interests broadly concern mathematical foundations of the analysis, modeling and optimization of the design and control of stochastic systems and their broad applications.
Squillante is a Fellow of INFORMS and recipient of the Daniel H. Wagner Prize. He served as chair of the George Nicholson Prize Committee, member of the Franz Edelman Award Committee, and is currently serving on INFORMS Subdivisions Council and the Editorial Advisory Board of the INFORMS-Springer Book Series.
“I would like to welcome Dr. Squillante to the INFORMS Board of Directors. I look forward to collaborating with him and working together to continue to make INFORMS the leading association for the decision and data sciences,” says Elena Gerstmann, INFORMS executive director.

Media Contact
Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]