2024 Winner(s)
- Mehmet Ayvaci, University of Texas at Dallas
Purpose of the Award
The Health Applications Society of INFORMS sponsors an annual competition for the Sanjay and Panna Mehrotra Research Excellence Award, which recognizes a mid-career researcher for significant contributions to the practice of health applications through operations research (OR) and management science (MS) modeling and methodologies. The award is named after Professor Sanjay Mehrotra and his wife, in recognition of Professor Mehrotra’s contributions and dedication to translating OR/MS modeling and methodology research to practice so as to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare systems, and will be presented at the Health Applications Society Business Meeting at the INFORMS annual meeting. Dr. Mehrotra is a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern University, and served on the Editorial Board of numerous operations research journals.
Application process:
Click here for more information.