2024 Winner(s)
- Yiqi Tian, University of Pittsburgh
Purpose of the Award
Doing Good with Good OR - Student Paper Competition is held each year to identify and honor outstanding projects in the field of operations research and the management sciences conducted by a student or student group that have a significant societal impact.
Committee Co-Chairs
Vanitha Virudachalam
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Hanisha Tatapudi
The projects must have, or are likely to have, a significant societal impact, and operations research and management science methods and tools (broadly interpreted) must be central to the success of the projects described. "Societal impact" should be construed to mean an impact on individuals, communities and organizations that goes beyond that associated with a private-sector for-profit initiative. The projects might also strive to include innovation through theory, creative computational methods, and should address implementation challenges.
An account of the award, citation, recipient, and qualifying service shall be published in OR/MS Today.
Interfaces: Special issue on Humanitarian Applications: Doing Good with Good OR
Read the May-June 2011 special issue of INFORMS Journal on Advanced Analytics (formerly Interfaces) presenting seven papers that address some of the key problems from the humanitarian and public sectors while suggesting potential solutions and approaches.
Application Process
INFORMS is again sponsoring a competition to encourage student research and practice that has societal impact. The "Doing Good with Good OR Student Competition" will feature the most exciting work performed by students in partnership with public and private organizations that yields tangible and beneficial outcomes for individuals, communities, and organizations. Such work will be infused with OR/MS methods and could appeal to multiple disciplinary and application-area interests.
INFORMS must receive completed submissions for this competition by May 15, 2025. The finalists will be announced by early July 2025 and must submit full papers by September 2025. The competition winner will be selected at the 2025 INFORMS Annual Meeting.