ISS Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award Application Process

To be eligible for the 2015 competition, dissertations must be in the field of information systems and must have been completed in the period from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015. Candidates must have successfully defended their dissertations and should have received the final approval and all required sign-offs on their dissertation documents by May 31, 2015. Dissertations that do not meet these criteria will not be considered eligible for the award.

Submission Instructions
All applications materials must be received no later than 11:55 PM US EDT on July 31, 2015. Any documents received after that date, and submissions without all of the appropriate documentation, will not be reviewed. INFORMS ISS encourages submissions from any country; however, all submitted materials must be in English.

Materials should be submitted to the Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award EasyChair website at:

The following three documents are required.  These documents must be combined into a single PDF file no larger than 20 MB for submission on the NCDA EasyChair website.  Submissions that do not meet these requirements will not be reviewed.

  1. An extended abstract of the dissertation that highlights the significance of the problem, the methodological approach, and the key results and their potential applications.The extended abstract should be no more than 10 pages (1" margins, single-spaced, 12 point normal font, not including references, tables, or figures).
  2. A copy of the entrant's current curriculum vitae.
  3. A letter of recommendation from the entrant's dissertation advisor that describes the significance of the research and comments on the originality of the work.

Optional: If there are working papers or publications based on the dissertation, these can be cited in the extended abstract, and submitted as additional materials.  All additional files must be appended to the single PDF file and the file size cannot exceed 20 MB.

Please note that in addition to uploading your PDF file on the EasyChair submission page, you will be required to provide contact information, the title of the dissertation, a short abstract, and keywords.

Reviewing Process and Winner Announcement
A panel of judges composed of senior faculty members from top IS academic departments will review the submissions. Dissertations will be evaluated based on the following criteria: creativity and novelty, scope and magnitude of contribution to IS research, relevance to practice, technical quality, and richness of methodological approach.

Finalists will be notified by September 15, 2015 and the winner will be announced during the INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST) in Philadelphia, October 31-November 1, 2015.
