INFORMS Prizes & Awards

INFORMS Prizes & Awards


Each year INFORMS grants several prestigious institute-wide prizes and awards for meritorious achievement. Generally conferred at each year's Annual Meeting and Analytics Conference, these prizes and awards celebrate wide ranging categories of achievement from teaching, writing, and practice to distinguished service to the institute and the profession and contributions to the welfare of society.


Saul Gass Expository Writing Award

The Saul Gass Expository Writing Award honors an operations researcher/management scientist whose publications demonstrate a consistently high standard of expository writing. A submission should focus on expository writing, not research accomplishments.

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2025

Student Chapter Awards

The purpose of the new Student Chapter Annual Awards is to recognize achievements of student chapters.


Undergraduate Operations Research Prize

The Undergraduate Operations Research Prize Competition is held each year to honor a student or group of students who conducted a significant applied project in operations research or management science, and/or original and important theoretical or applied research in operations research or management science, while enrolled as an undergraduate student. The prize is given each year at the Annual Meeting.

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2025 (11:59pm eastern)

UPS George D. Smith Prize

The UPS George D. Smith Prize, consisting of a significant but symbolic physical prize and a $10,000 cash award, will be awarded annually to an academic department or program for effective and innovative preparation of students to be outstanding practitioners of operations research, management science, analytics, and data science. 

2025 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 3, 2024

Volunteer Service Award

The Volunteer Service Award was first awarded in 2016. Its purpose is to recognize exceptional volunteer service to INFORMS.

2025 Submission Deadline: June 30, 2025