All search results for . 111-120 of 20263 results.
Sobering Thought: Can IP Solve Liquor Store Scheduling Woes?
...The SAQ (in French, Soci��t�� des alcools du Qu��bec) is a public corporation of...
Memo to MBA Instructors: I Need Your Help
...By the time you read this, my 20th year high school reunion will have come and ...
WSC Diversity Award
...In order to improve outreach and diversity among young researchers in the field ...
Overcoming Conference Angst
...Just came back from a conference at the University of Pennsylvania. Very nice ...
'Success' Often Eludes Project Managers
...April 2005? Guess it's time to talk about project management again. This seems ...
Spreadsheet Add-Ins for OR/MS
...Like Dr. Johnson's dog walking on its hind legs �� remarkable for being done at ...
OR On the Ball: Applications in sports scheduling and management
...Sports management is a very attractive area for applications of operations ...
Distinguished Speaker Award
...TIMES presents its distinguished speaker award to an outstanding academic leader...
The 'Sound' Science of Scheduling
...What do the Cowboy Junkies, Gord Downie, Oysterband, Ian Tyson, Ashley MacIsaac...
TIMES Distinguished Service Award
...The TIMES Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals who have made ...