All search results for . 151-160 of 20181 results.
INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS welcomes new members
...INFORMS welcomes the following new members who joined the Institute in September...
INFORMS NEWS: Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) schedule
...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comJoe, a consulting OR/MS analyst, was still ...
MSOM iFORM SIG Best Paper Award
...The Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM) iFORM (...
MSOM iFORM SIG Best Paper Award - Application Process
...Nominations for this award will be accepted until April 15, 2015. Nominations ...
World’s Best Analytics Teams Compete for INFORMS Franz Edelman Prize
...CATONSVILLE, MD, December 17, 2013 ��� The Institute for Operations Research and...
Zhe (David) Zhu
George Wesolowsky
Richard Church
Oded Berman