Search Results

All search results for . 16241-16250 of 20211 results.

'The Science of Better'
...How do you market, let alone package and sell, a "product" that defies...

6th International Workshop on Memetic Algorithms (WOMA 2009)

Third eVITA Winter School on eScience - Optimization
...The Third Winter School in eScience will take place January 11-16 2009 at Dr. ...

The General's Parable
...Late fall's chill was in the air, and the stiff breeze drove a steady, cold rain...

A Golden Quest
...On Nov. 17, 1952, John Magee, who would become a leading light at Arthur D. ...

Operations Research: The Science of Better
...It's hard to believe that the year is almost over. I chaired my last board ...

INFORMS Western Regional Conference

Just Say No? No Way!
...One key objective for my first semester as a professor was to take on no ...

Hamburg International Conference of Logistics 2009 (HICL2009)

...Our primary goal is to bring together people who are interested in the academic/...