All search results for . 16251-16260 of 20211 results.
Location and Network Design Workshop (LAND)
...We invite you to participate in a workshop being held in Pucon, Chile on ...
MIP 2009
...Mixed Integer Programming Workshop...
New Model for Military Operations
...Business leaders in America have long known that being able to adapt to changing...
2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
...The Annual IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and ...
OR: Past, Present and Future
...While our field is just over 50 years old, we in operations research can point ...
12th International Conference on Stochastic Programming
...The Committee on Stochastic Programming is an organ of the Mathematical ...
The Chicken Cannon
...The barbershop was crowded, but the O.R. analyst and the old fellow in the ...
Weddings & Workflow
...A few short weeks from my wedding day. The closer we get, the more "real&...
...1 e-Business in CE...
Building and Selling 'Better' Mousetraps
...There is an old saying that if you invent a better mousetrap the world will beat...