Search Results

All search results for . 4541-4550 of 20201 results.

Doing Good with Good O.R.
...If it's true, as Andy Warhol famously once said, that everyone gets their 15 ...

Susan Martonosi

Risks in the Editorial Process
...When I first became the editor in chief of Transportation Science roughly 15 ...

Julie L. Swann

Probability Management
...Today's world economy is driven by global uncertainties such as exchange rates, ...

Gregory S. Zaric

The Case for Publishers
...Last issue, I began looking at the impact on the publishing industry of new ...

Peter C. Bell

Selling Operations Research: An Historical Perspective
...As an historian of science, I am currently researching the early history of O.R...

Catalyst for Change: Diversity and Discomfort
...I recently moved from San Francisco to Oakland (some of you may know that ...