Search Results

All search results for . 4551-4560 of 20201 results.

Decision Analysis: Aiding Insight VII
...This is the seventh survey of decision analysis software conducted by OR/MS ...

Unsolved Mysteries
...Many years ago, when I was first introduced to the term "operations ...

TK Solver 5.0

Predictions, prophesy and promises
...Last month, the United States elected Senator Barack Obama as the 44th president...

Where Do We Go From Here?
...I am the new INFORMS Online (IoL) editor in chief following two terms by Matthew...

When the going gets tough
...INFORMS President-Elect Don Kleinmuntz and U.S. President-Elect Barack Obama ...

The Basketball Coach's Parable
...In the large, wood-paneled finished basement of a handsome suburban house, the ...

Beef Up O.R.'s Web Presence
...Congratulations, Time magazine has named you Person of the Year. Actually, they'...

Marshall McLuhan's Parable
...The group in the office was usually productive, but not much was getting done ...

Smart Ops for the 21st Century
...Operations research has repeatedly demonstrated its versatility to make ...